
Multiple Paths: Isn’t It Time 12

Continuing focus on who is telling a story and why, beginning with a look at multiple paths INTO Mitzrayim and consideration of an imaginary “Realtors of Pitom.”

Interactions: Isn’t It Time 9

A few more words on ” Coming Forth” from the Narrow Place, followed by this episode’s main topic: Interactions.

Coming Forth: Isn’t It Time? 8

What would it mean for us, collectively, to “come forth from Mitzrayim,” the Narrow Place of oppression? Trigger warning: political attacks on human rights, particular those of transgender youth and adults.

Far Enough? Isn’t It Time 7

This episode looks at the prophetic call, for Purim and other holidays, to act in “truth and peace” and our tendency to decide we’ve gone “far enough.”


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